The man is the former son-in-law of the kindergarten's headmaster (video)

20.10 At the moment, shots are heard shots are heard from the kindergarten. The reporter of NEWS.asm reporters that everyone had been removed from the scene. 19.17 It is found out that the men, who entered the kindergarten, is Argam Hovikyan, a resident of Armavir. According to, the man has hurt the ex-wife and his mother-in-law, and they were taken to hospital. He hurt his wife at the entrance to the kindergarten. The source had earlier informed that according to preliminary data, the citizen, who had entered Manushak kindergarten with a knife, was the former son-in-law of the kindergarten's headmaster. Before that he had tried to see his wife, but failed, after which he broke into a kindergarten, and took hostage one of the pupils and nurses to take revenge. The man demands to meet with his wife and child. 18.38 At the moment, as a result of police negotiations and explanatory work, all the hostages were abandoned, except one boy. The man used violence against a kindergarten nurse who is injured. There is a tense situation in Armavir region for already an hour. As the photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan reports from Armavir, a citizen entered the kindergarten Manushak, located on Baghramyan street, where he took employees and children hostage. At the moment, the police, National Security Service and the Investigation Department are at the scene. Officers of the 2nd battalion of the 1st company of the 2nd officer regiment of the Traffic Police, as well as the Armavir regional police department and the Armavir police station work at the scene. It is currently being specified what requirements he submitted. Details are available here