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Performance of Orran's grandparents and little dhol players at theater (video)

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Tsiatsan (Rainbow) choir of Orran benevolent non-governmental organization's elderly was not on the stage for the first time. Yesterday, Hrachya Ghaplanyan Dramatic Theater was full of guests. They came to listen to Tsiatsan chor's performances. Orran's head Armine Hovhannisyan told A1 + that the idea of establishing a choir had been long ago, about four years ago. At first they had difficulties because grandparents refused to attend the choir, they were ashamed. And now many things have changed, they come with love and are very excited. According to the artistic director of the group Silva Karapetyan, it is quite difficult to work with adults, but they have managed to overcome the difficulties and have been performing for the second time on stage. The enthusiasm is so great that they do not except the fact of participating in festivals. Also, the dhol players of Orran Vanadzor branch performed; among them there were also girls. The scene was exciting, the audience left with positive emotions. "I have not felt such enjoyment for a long time," said actor Ashot Ghazaryan.