Support A1+!”Some people phone me and ask to give them storage pools to raise the fish there. The name of our organization misleads people and it must be renamed”, Robert Nazaryan, Ex-Mayor and Chair of the Committee on Coordinating the Natural Monopolies of Armenia, announced.
After having held the new post for 110 days Mr Nazaryan concluded though the name of the committee deludes people, it’s a serious structure.
Gas, water and electric power tariff rise depends on the above structure. According to Robert Nazaryan, the committee has received applications for tariff change by “HayRusGasard” CJSC. Committee has accepted the claim and will respond to it within 3 months.
Without going into the details of the contents of “HayRusGasard” claim, Mr Nazaryan said that there are a few factors over gas tariff raise stated there. One of them is reduction of the volume of the imported gas. Nazaryan thinks the gas tariff fixed in 1997 is no longer justified.
The second problem regards the volume of the imported gas. ”In 1997 the tariff made $ 53. We now possess a contract on $ 54 and $ 55 for 100 cubic meters. It supposes gas tariff rising here”, Robert Nazaryan confessed.
Robert Nazaryan promised to make public the final figure of gas tariff rise at the end of November. As to water tariff rising, Mr Nazaryan didn’t comment on it, saying he hadn’t yet received a proper claim.