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“As a commercial organization “ArmRusGasArd” is interested in the residents’ becoming its subscribers, in order the money inputted in the gasification was returned soon. The more gas we sell, the sooner we will regain the money. I say this coming of primitive commercial logics”, said Shushan Sardaryan, press secretary of “ArmRusGasArd”.

To the question why gas meters were installed one month later after singing agreements with citizens, Shushan Sardaryan responded that in some districts there might be local problems of gasification. “A citizen signs an agreement within 30 days. During this period we examine the territory, provide the residents with technical conditions, afterwards with draft and estimate which is followed by initial deposit. Only after this the provider installs the meter. This is regulated by the Committee that regulates Public Services based on the orders of providing natural gas and using it”, ensured Shushan Sardaryan adding that in some districts employees showed unconscientiousness.

As to the bad services, residents consider that it is useless to pay for services. Shushan Sardaryan mentioned that in the first half year of 2007 98,1 percent of subscribers in Yerevan enjoyed technical services.

The number of our subscribers did not reduce after the explosion in Achapnyak community on 23 August. The press secretary of “ArmRusGasArd” ensured that the number of subscribers increased in June with 6 111, in August 6 949, in September with 7000 residents. “Thus, their number did not decrease, quite the opposite the number of subscribers increased”, said Shushan Sardaryan.

As to the above mentioned accident, she mentioned that since it occurred in the result of the resident’s carelessness “it is natural that the company is not going to compensate the loss”. By the way, according to the initial account, the house incurred a loss of 65 million drams. “Coming out of humanitarian objectives, we together with the Yerevan Municipality initiated a foundation to compensate 50 percent of the amount. This will be used on the whole restoration of the house”, mentioned Sardaryan. However this amount was not sent to the community, but in the coming days it will be sent to them. As Shushan Sardryan said they had no reasons to delay the transfer of the money.