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They don’t know what to do


Robert Kocharyan announced self-confidently that Armenia will find other sources for funding after hearing rumors that the Millennium Challenge Corporation may terminate funding in Armenia.

Executive Director General of the Millennium Challenge Corporation-Armenia State Non-Trade Organization Ara Hovsepyan still did not envision the fate of the "Rural Roads' program.

Let us remind that the Millennium Challenge Corporation terminated funding this year and reaffirmed the decision to keep the termination of funding in force.

"The termination was due to the actions of the RA Government that were not part of the corporation's principles for promoting democratic governance," as stated in the official statement.

During today's session of the Stakeholders' Committee, Ara Hovsepyan told members of the committee the bad news and informed that it will be necessary to at least make the roads transportable after the termination.

Is the government ready to fund the "Rural Road" program during the current global financial-economic crisis? In response to that, Ara Hovsepyan said that he is not aware and the government will discuss what to do if there is an official letter.

How much will one kilometer of road cost? Ara Hovsepyan said that the average amount would be 200,000 dollars. Let us remind that it is expected to implement the reconstruction and restoration of 350 kilometer road sections worth 67.1 million dollars as part of the "Rural Road Rehabilitation" sub-program, including restoration of irrigation systems and safe traffic.

Ara Hovsepyan also assured that funding for the other two programs-"From water to Market" and "Irrigation systems" will continue.