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Companies fined for increasing transportation fees


The State Committee for Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) has imposed fines on four companies for increasing transportation fees for local traders.

The companies "Four Friends," "SOHO," "Profimportex" and "Nanis" were fined in the amount of 95 million drams for charging higher fees for clothing imported from China and Turkey which has aroused discontent among traders. This was immediately followed by demonstrations with traders complaining of a hike in customs clearance charges.

"The companies accounted the decision for several risk factors, including the increase in wages, transportation expenses, storehouse fees and fuel prices," said SCPEC President Artak Shaboyan.

The checkups revealed that the aforesaid companies had concluded an anti-trust deal, increasing their service prices. The studies revealed that the fees had been doubled from $4 to $8 per kilo for imports from Turkey and from $7 to $14 per kilo for imports from China.

The SCPEC concluded that the the four economic entities, taking advantage of the fact that the field is completely in their hands and under their exclusive control, made an arrangement among themselves to raise the fees simultaneously.

The companies will have to pay fines ranging between 5 million and 55 million drams depending on their position in the market.