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PM listed bankers’ achievements


Today is the day of employees of Armenia's banking system. It was this day in 1993 when the national currency of Armenia, the dram, was introduced. Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan has sent a congratulatory message to young and old bankers.

"Today we celebrate the 18th anniversary of Armenia's national currency. Like any youth, the dram has also faced difficulties and has developed along with the formation of the banking system.

Thanks to you, the banking system has become one of the most developed branches of Armenia's economy. Throughout the nearly two decades of its existence, it has risen to the top and even during the crisis in 2009, it has shown its ability to confront the challenges of the unfavorable economic atmosphere in Armenia. Armenia's banking system was one of the few in the CIS and even in the whole world that didn't require the government's interference in counter-attacking the global crisis.

Citizens of Armenia have more trust in the banking system more, and evidence of that is the stable growth of deposits throughout the past two decades. Other indicators depicting the banking system are also on the rise, particularly the number of credits, fall of interest rates and more.

Along with the achievements, there are also things to do in this sphere. We shouldn't forget that bankers are responsible for the dynamic development of the country's economy.

Once again, I congratulate all bankers on the occasion and wish them new achievements," as stated in the message.