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National Children's Library named after Khnko Aper to have free creative clubs for children from vulnerable groups

National Children's Library named after Khnko Aper will have free creative clubs for children from vulnerable groups.
On June 3, the National Children's Library after Khnko Aper with the support of the RA Ministry of Culture launched a creative summer school with groups of pottery, silkwimming, embroidery, theatrical and puppet shows for socially vulnerable children, children from single-parent families, and 7-15 aged children of dead soldiers and border guards.
Within the next three months, cognitive visits to museums, theaters and exhibitions will be organized for these children to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of the Republic of Armenia.
At the same time, the library's annual summer school is launched, during which the library will host  various events, such as drawing clubs, English and Russian language interactive classes, educational games, book discussions, as well as cognitive visits to museums for number of children.