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Armenian lavash included in CNN’s list of the world's 50 best breads

The American CNN channel covered the top 50 types of bread in the world, including Armenian lavash. According to the author of the article, Jen Rose Smith, if bread is easy to picture, it's hard to define.

Bread historian William Rubel argues that creating a strict definition of bread is unnecessary, even counterproductive. "Bread is basically what your culture says it is."

He wrote: "When your Armenian mother-in-law comes towards you wielding a hula hoop-sized flatbread, don't duck: Lavash is draped over the country's newlyweds to ensure a life of abundance and prosperity.

Maybe that's because making lavash takes friends.
To shape the traditional breads, groups of women gather to roll and stretch dough across a cushion padded with hay or wool. It takes a practiced hand to slap the enormous sheets onto the inside of conical clay ovens, where they bake quickly in the intense heat."