Sociologist: Every tenth family in Armenia goes to bed hungry (video)

Sociologist Aharon Adibekyan says the results of a recent survey show that every tenth family in Armenia goes to bed hungry. “Half of the population chews something before sleeping. About 30 percent meet their basic requirements while 20 percent have incomes and do not limit themselves to anything. This is the general picture in Armenia,” Mr. Adibekyan told journalists today. He says people in Syunik region lead a better life than in other regions as they have jobs. “People [in Syunik] receive salaries, do shopping, go to a barber or salon, buy books, etc,” the sociologist said. Ethnographer Hranush Kharatyan notes that workplaces in Kajaran are created at the expense of people’s health. “Cancer rates are increasing in Kapan. The Kajaran factory is ready to recover the surgery costs to silence people,” she said. The sociologist reminded that the best way to reduce poverty is to create jobs. He added that two-thirds of the people live in the real poverty. Ethnographer Hranush KHaratyan added, in turn, that it is a shame to live in poverty in Armenia. “Those who do not have bread to eat or a roof over their heads are considered poor in Armenia. A person does not consider himself to be poor when he does not ask others for bread and lives on pickled cabbage and potatoes all year round.”