International Tea Day in North Avenue

“Culture of tea drinking is developing in Armenia. Assortment of tea is in demand, I myself have a tea collection and it is inseparable part of my daily life. This little initiative aims at acknowledging the citizens of usefulness of tea,” Armen Muradyan selling hot beverages told “A1+”.
Tea’s warm and pleasant smell has been added to North Avenue’s New Year spirit, and the reason is International Tea Day.
Every year on December 15 International Tea Day is celebrated in different countries of the world; in 2004 World Social Forum was held in Indian city of Mumbai, where it was decided to declare December 15 as International Tea Day.
We tried to ask the young people gathered around the stalls whether they were aware of the day; it turned out that many learned about it on the spot. “I wanted to buy tea, but I learnt that on the occasion of International Tea Day tea is served and I decided to drink,” said a girl.
The best sold beverage of these stalls is also tea, then types of coffee come. The prices are available so that citizens can afford buying them.
This event aims at drawing public and government’s attention to the problems of tea production, tea trade and workers of the tea plantations.