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Highways as of 15:00


According to the Ministry of ES of RA on December 29 by 15.00 highways in the Republic are mainly passable. Berd-Chambarak, Aparan-Nigavan, Urasar-Katnaghbyur, Aragats-Mirak highways are closed. Black-ice is formed on Vardenyats Pass, Sotk-Karvachar, Vanadzor-Dilijan, Vanadzor-Alaverdi, Goris-Sisian, Saravan-"Zanger" roadways, as well as on the roadways of Kotayk and Shirak Provinces. According to the information received from the Department of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia Stepantsminda-Larsi highway is open for all types of cars in case of using tire chains. MES