Three parts of monument transferred to Art Factory
“Service for the Protection of Historical Environment and Cultural Museum-Reservations” NCSO of Ministry of Culture reports: Based on the Deputy Minister of Culture Arev Samuelyan`s writing on 10.02.2017. N 03 / 14.4 / 618-17 and ” Protection service” NCSO`s directorate`s order, the employees of regional service of Kotayk transferred three parts of the dismantled monument(two bronze and one was from stainless sheet) for further protection t to the area of “Art Factory”LTD, which was protected at machine building factory in Charentsavan. On the 32 km of Yerevan-Sevan highway by sculptor David Bejanyan`s authority in 1978 was built “The Road” / 6.8.14 memorial / monument and it`s still standing upper section was damaged in May 2016 , due to climatic conditions, strong wind and hail. Cases of violation on the monuments of local importance also were in past.