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Exterior wall of the building collapses


On June 22, at 23:55 information was received that the exterior wall of a building had collapsed at 13 Sasuntsi David Street, Artik town, Shirak Province. The rescuers' help was needed. A fire brigade left for the scene. It turned out that the lower part of the western side of building 13 had collapsed and up to 2 cm wide and 13 m long cracks had occurred in the outer part of the building: there was a risk that the building would collapse. Before the rescuers reached the scene 20 residents had been evacuated from the building. 11 more residents (4 children) were still in the safe area of the building. There were no casualties. The rescuers blocked off the scene, ensured the lighting of the scene area and carried out explanatory works with the un-evacuated residents. The governor of Shirak Province, mayor of Artik town, employees of El. Networks, “1-04” service, the National Security Service, the police station of Artik town, the regional government and municipality were at the scene.