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Kiraki: Person, who has more relatives, becomes village head (video)

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“Asparez” club carried out monitoring in 17 communities of Armenia in order to find out how transparent the authorities of those communities work. According to the report of “Asparez” club, most of the community heads violated the requirements set by the legislation on public awareness on sessions of Council of Elders. Not all the Council of Elders sessions were broadcast live from 17 large communities of Armenia. Yet, 14 communities undertook such an obligation. Only half of them follow the rule. Is the community demanding? Who knows on what the means allocated to the community are spent? The last issue of Kiraki (Sunday) program touches upon these and many other questions. Most of the villagers think that it is inappropriate to take part in the Council of Elders sessions, demand a report on the community’s budget, expenditures and incomes from the village head and the Council of Elders. The residents of Lejan community of Lori marz weren’t even aware that the elections of Council of Elders set on June 18 were postponed for a week. Didn’t the candidates manage to be nominated or didn’t they want to be nominated? Alaverdi “Ankyun+3” touched upon these issues. At the recent elections of local self-government bodies in three communities of Shirak marz Republicans gained victory, what’s more in two communities Republican community heads were reelected and were the only candidates. In Bayandur there were “family” elections; husband was a candidate for community head, wife- President of the Committee. These communities are included in the enlargement program; our colleagues from Gyumri “Tsayg” TV company present the complaints of the villagers. The program hosted Garik Sargsyan, Head of Nor Kyank community of Ararat marz, and Davit Margaryan, Expert at Community Finance Officers Association NGO.