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Progress registered: ratio of baby girls to baby boys is 100 to 112 (video)

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According to the data of 2016, the ratio of baby girls and baby boys on birth has decreased by about 40 percent. Ratio of baby girls to baby boys is 100 to 112 instead of former 100 to 115. The specialists consider it to be a great progress. The International Center of Human Development starting from 2015 has implemented a project against discriminative sex-selection, which aims at changing people’s knowledge, attitude and perceptions as well as decreasing the number of sex-selective abortions. The research, done before and after the project, can prove its positive results. “If in 2011 the women noted that 60 percent gives privilege to baby boys, in 2017 that index is 36.7 percent. If in 2011 in reply to the question whether the family prefers to have a baby boy, 45 percent of women gave a positive reply, in 2017 that index is only 12.9 percent,” notes Vahan Asatryan, Head of Development and Research Department of the International Center for Human Development NGO. Watch the video for more details!