Sixty environmental offenses recorded
Support A1+!As a result of the rounds carried out over the last week in the territorial subdivisions of the supervisory body of ecology and mineral resources of the Ministry of Ecology of the RA,
- 47 cases of illegal import of timber,
- 6 cases of waste disposal requirements for the atmospheric air protection
- 5 cases of craw-fish, illegal fish catching
- 2 cases of violation of land use and storage requirements were found out.
An examination was conducting, concerning 16 out of 60 recorder offenses, according to which an administrative penalty og AMD 960,000 was imposed.
For two cases, reports were submitted to law enforcement agencies regarding the discussion of the initiation of a criminal case, and cases of imposed fines and damages of the three administrative cases were submitted to the enforcement service of judicial acts of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.
39 cases are in underway.
Totally, the environmental damage caused by environmental offenses amounted to AMD 15,551,500, the RA Ministry of Nature Protection reports.