Hollywood stars against sexual harassment (video)
Voice of America Thousands of women have launched an unprecedented social campaign this week on Twitter and Facebook with the #MeToo hashtag to raise awareness of the problem of sexual harassment and violence against millions of women in their personal records. The scandal involving the influential media magnate Harvey Winningstein, a decade-long sexual harassments, has triggered Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, and many others, to unite and share their own stories. On Sunday, thousands of victims of sexual harassment and violence following Alisa Milano, former singer, prominent actress and activist, launched #MeToo campaign on Facebook and Twitter, as solidarity with millions of abused women. Actress Luizet Gays is one of those many actresses who blame Harvey Weinstein for sexual harassment. "My heart was beating fast, I was very afraid. I walked to the door. he started following me and said that he could introduce me to Bob Weinstein who could bring to life my scenario. Instead I had to watch him master-baiting," was said in Gays' announcement. Weinstein's speaker denied the accusations presented against the film producer and said that the meetings bewtween the women and Harvey Weinstein were mutually agreed. To remind, earlier the American Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences decided to remove 65-year-old producer Harvey Winningstein during the emergency session of the Board of Directors. Blogger Melisa Silverstein, the founder of "Women and Hollywood" blog, hopes that the scandal connected with the sexual harassment will boost serious changes in Hollywood. "Harvey Winningstein's scandal revealed the cruel reality and nightmare with which men and women of different races have to face in order to reach the Hollywood success. Something must be changed in the policy of white men and I am sure that telling our stores will result the revolution." This message and purpose is pursued in Holllywood and the Internet these days, making us think about the importance of changing our approaches towards women's issues.