Free legal support to conscripts and their relatives
In order to protect the rights of conscripts, HCA Vanadzor will continue to provide the conscripts and their relatives with legal assistance, legal advice, clarification of legislative provisions, making necessary documents, conducting inquiries, appealing against court decision, and so on, during the winter conscription of 2017. An organization can also apply to all recruits who have health problems and do not agree with the medical commissions' decisions on their health status. In case of disagreement, the Organization will provide a medical expert to study the results of their medical condition and the conclusion on the basis of which conscripts can challenge the legitimacy of recognizing them fit for military service. For free legal support you may apply to HCA Vanadzor ( Vanadzor, Tigran Mets St. 59) from 9:30 to 18:30 or call HCA Vanadzor Peace Program Coordinator Armine Sadikyan / 0322/4 22 68 or our free hotline 0 8000 12 11. Or you can write to [email protected]. HCAV