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My son's murder was committed by the group - mother of the victim (video)


The evidence on the case of 25-year-old Artyom Adanjyan's murder is destroyed. "The evidence has been destroyed, factual circumstances have been falsified. My son's murder was carried out by the group. My son's murder is ordered, there are facts, evidence, which were originally hidden," said today at the Media Center, Ruzanna Adalanyan, the mother of Artyom Adanjyan. There is only one defendant in the case but the mother is confident that other people were also envolved in the murder. According to Ruzanna Adalanyan, she has presented eight different reports about the crime, but no materials have been prepared. She believes that this crime is ordered by the head of Women's, Children's and Family Rights Department of the Shirak governor's office Lusine Ginosyan. She is convinced that her son's murder was ordered due to personal animosity. The case is over. The parties present speeches. Lawyer Nina Karapetyants notes that the preliminary investigation on the case was made with gaps. "It cannot be an examination of the murder case without photos. There are shortcomings in this case which are made intentionally." At present, the lawyer is worried about Ruzanna Adalian's life, she was beaten, and then was exposed.