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Davit Simonyan reports on crime committed by Hayk Sargsyan (video)


On various social platforms, one discusses who Davit Simonyan is, who reported on the crime committed by the son of Alexander Sargsyan - Hayk Sargsyan, 11 years ago. 11 years later I applied to the prosecutor's office of the Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of of Yerevan, asking to receive the statement as a message. The latter noted that Hayk Sargsyan, being under the influence of a narcotic substance, began to threaten to kill him, then shot him from his foreign-produced pistol in his stomach. The journalists well know Davit Simonyan, because he distinguished during various elections. During the presidential elections in 2013, D. Simonyan behaved incorrectly towards "A1 +" journalists. Details are available in the video.