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Serob Khachatryan: They only check the child's ability to memorize, which no one needs


Education expert Serob Khachatryan considers the most important step in the first hundred days of the Ministry of Education and Science to be the goal of non-politicization of education. "We have a bad legacy from the previous authorities, now we have to understand where to start the reforms." The expert considers it unacceptable to replace the graduation exams with single exams. "The Ministry announces that the directors will be responsible for the results, it's wrong, there are many factors affecting the child's progress, and now if these exams take place in a strict way, there will be a big market for tutors." According to the expert, the children of poor families will suffer in this case. According to Serop Khachatryan, the quality of exam tasks is not good. "They only check the child's ability to memorize, which no one needs." He offers to start the reforms with the improvement of teaching ways of foreign languages. "If children have a good knowledge of foreign languages, we will have a great flight, as it was in Singapore."