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The claim of “Karabagh telecom”(VIVAcell) against “Armentel” company will be discussed in tommmorow’s session of the RA state committee on the issues of Economic competition protection.

On January 30 "Karabagh telecom" turned to the committee declaring that Armentel breached its dominant position with its actions in the following cases. On December 31, 2005, "Armentel" declared that it gives certain hours to its one-year net users with low prices- 2 drams per hour. According to Karabagh telecom’s comments, "Armentel" uses this price not only in the cellar telephone network, but also in connection with received phones fixed in its telephone net. This suggestion is in force by April 30, 2006.

According to the plaintiff the offered prices can’t be legal and justified as the price paid by Karabagh telecom to "Armentel" for the interconnection is already higher than the price in question. At present K-Telecom pays to "Armentel" for connection with the fixed Yerevan telephone network 9.96 AMD per minute, and in marzes 19.96 and 14.04 AMD per minute.

On the basis of K-Telecom’s application an action was brought against Armentel.