Support A1+!Ralph Yirikian, General Manager of “Viva Cell” announced that the shares of “Viva Cell” would not be solved to any Russian company.
He compared “Viva Cell” with “a beautiful, 18-year-old young lady, who has a lot of admirers”. “This girl receives many phone calls from them, who want to get acquainted with her and to date with her. However, I assure you that this beautiful lady does not want to marry at the moment, she is too young. At the same time, this beautiful lady is rich and is very pleased with everything and thinks only of her future. She wants to stay at home”, Ralph Yirikian described the current situation of “Viva Cell” on the company’s 2-nd anniversary.
Hussein Rifai, Member of the company’s Board informed that the company planned to enter the exchange market.
“We want to give an opportunity to each Armenian subscriber to become a shareholder of the company. We hope that more than 1 million subscribers will become our shareholders”, said Hussein Rifai. Meanwhile, discussions and surveys on this are in the process.
To the question whether “Viva Cell” was going to buy the shares of “ArmenTel”, since “Viva Cell” attracted 98.8 percent of the territory in Armenia, Ralph Yirikian noted that they did not have such intentions and they only thought of their present activities. “Our aim is to stimulate the market. If we wanted to buy “ArmenTel”, we would return to the previous monopoly, which is not our objective. It is proved by the improvement of tariffs”, added the General Manager of “Viva Cell”.
As to the investments in the economy of Armenia, the President of the Shareholders' Board of “Viva Cell” Pier Fatush mentioned that the investments would go on the same way. “Our investments in the economy will contribute to the economic progress of Armenia in the region. Our primary goal is to create new employment places. Now we are going to make investments in the mining industry in Armenia”, said Pier Fatush.