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“COMPASS - a manual on Human Rights Education with Young People” was translated into Armenian.

The launching of the Armenian publication of ”COMPASS – a Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People” was held in the Council of Europe Information Office in Armenia, which was organized by the Council of Europe Information Office in Armenia and the Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre (ACRPC).

Mr. Guy-Michel Brandtner, Head of Administrative Office of CoE Directorate of Youth and Sport as well as representatives of the RA Government, foreign embassies in Armenia, international and local organizations were present in the event.

Being granted by the Council of Europe the exclusive copyright of the Armenian translation and publication of the Manual the ACRPC, in support with the British Embassy and the Council of Europe in Armenia, has successfully implemented the translation and publication work of the Manual.

”COMPASS – a Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People” is an unprecedented work of the field with its sizes and the cover of a wide range of topics, and it has a guiding role among the CoE’s other publications.

The Armenian publication is the 17th among translations in other languages and it differs from the others in some respects.