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ArmRusGasProm tops the list of largest taxpayer


According to data of the RA State Revenue Committee, ArmRosgazprom CJSC tops the list of 300 largest taxpayers of Armenia. The company paid taxes in the total amount of AMD 10.038bln in the first half of 2010.

With some minor displacements in the list, the top five companies have remained the same compared with the same period in 2009.

Alex-Grig LLC owned by Armenian parliamentarian Samvel Alexanyan comes the second in the list with a total payment of AMD 8.5bln, followed by ArmenTel CJSC- AMD 7.2bln and K-Telecom- AMD 7.2bln.

Flash (AMD 5.4bln), City Petrol Group (4.7bln), Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine (AMD 4.2bln), Electric Networks of Armenia (AMD 3.3bln), Vidis Distribution (3.1bln) and International Masis Tobacco (AMD 3.1bln) companies also entered the top ten of largest taxpayers.