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'Armfood' products removed from market


The sale of dairy products made by Armfood Company has been suspended upon the order of the State Food Security Service, after the discovery of Staphylococcus and other harmful bacteria in goat milk.

Armen Pipoyan, a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Armen Poghosyan, President of the State Food Security Service, the discovery was made after receiving a customer alert on harmful bacteria.

"We have urged our co-citizens not to purchase the products of this company, since curd, sour cream and yoghurt may also contain Staphylococcus bacteria," said Pipoyan.

He said that currently other products belonging to the company are being examined.

"These emergency cases need to be addressed properly. All culprits must be punished," said Armen Poghosyan urging citizens to be most careful.

He added that check-ups have been made in regional shops to remove the company's products from sale. Armfood is forced to pay a fine of 300,000 drams for the violation.