Egypt needs Armenian water (video)
Armenian and Egyptian specialists and students can exchange experience in the tourism industry starting from May. Mariam Manukyan, President of the International Business Relations Support Center, announced that some days ago a bilateral agreement was signed with Egypt, “The students, who study tourism, can travel to Egypt for free and receive relevant education for a year.” Within the frames of the agreement, Egyptian specialists will arrive in Armenia on May. They will hold service sector courses. The International Business Relations Support Center has also planned projects in the sphere of circulation of economic products. On March 16 a delegation from the RA business sphere will leave for Egypt to take part in the international economic conference, “Armenian specialists will get opportunity to represent their productions, services especially in IT sector.” Mariam Manukyan, President of the International Business Relations Support Center, is sure that exportation agreements will be signed there, “Besides IT sector, Egypt may be interested in Armenian water. Today water is the number one brand in Armenia, and Egypt needs water very much. If we are able to export water into Egypt at the state level, where 90 million people live, it will be great progress.” Mariam Manukyan also assured that Armenia has the opportunity to export such amounts of water.