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Only one person gave testimony against the protestor (video)


Starting from today the case of Arman Arakelyan, who is accused of in connection with the events on Khorenatsi, will be investigated separately from the case of Ararat Khandoyan. But his accusation wasn’t personalized. “There are no bases that those people received bodily injuries concretely from Arman Arakelyan, besides compensation of damage worth several millions was presented,” Ara Gharagyozyan, advocate of Arman Arakelyan, told “A1+”. In connection with Khorenatsi events 46 policemen were recognized an aggrieved party. At Kentron Court today the prosecutor read the experts’ conclusion on affected policemen. “Gegham Muradyan noted that he was injured as a result of stone hitting his belly. Sargis Hovhannisyan informed that he was hit in his right leg. Police officer Yeghish Hakobyan also noted that he was hit by stone in his right leg,” read prosecutor Hayk Petrosyan. According to the indictment, during the mass disorders Arman Arakelyan used violence against police officers, throwing an object, as well as hit the police officers. Only a witness gave testimony against Arman Arakelyan. “The accusation cannot be based only on one testimony. It is simply absurd,” added advocate Ara Gharagyozyan. At the next court hearing, on February 14, Elmira Hovhannisyan, who gave testimony against Arman Arakelyan, will be interrogated.