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New cameras to be installed in Yerevan streets


More surveillance and speed cameras are being installed in Yerevan to record traffic violations, the Traffic Police report. In particular, the new cameras will be put into operation on September 4. The cameras are being installed at the intersections of the following streets -Acharyan and Acharyan str.1st Blind Alley - Andranik and Ohano -Artsakh and Arin Berd -Artashisyan and Chekhov - Bagratunyats and E. Tadevosyan - David-Bek and Kusto - Hanrapetutyun and Tumanyan - Mamikonyats and Shirvanzade -Myasnikyan Avenue, Gay Ave. and Malyan Street The Traffic Police  urge drivers to wear seat belts and to comply with traffic rules.