Expert: There wasn’t any observatory in Zorats Karer (video)
No relic was found during the excavations of Zorats Karer territory, which will allow us to claim that formerly there was an observatory here,” said Ashot Philiposyan, Head of the expedition. He presented the results of the excavations, which restarted in August. The examination in the territory 2,5 meters near the mausoleum showed that during different periods multi-layer burial ceremonies were held here. The mausoleum belonged to the high-ranking people. The examinations showed that high-ranking people were buried here. The materials can show that the burial ceremonies were held in 4 different periods. The oldest relics date back to the 18th century B.C., the rest are from the 13-14th centuries. Ceramics belonging to the 5-4th centuries B.C. as well as the 1st century were found. According to the words of the expert, the mausoleum was periodically plundered and relics from different periods mixed. Bones of animals burnt alive as well as human skeletons were found in the mausoleum.