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They want to file lawsuit - Volodya Avetisyan (video)


The Reserve Colonel Volodya Avetisyan has information that a criminal case will be filed against him. Volodya Avetisyan, who was released just nine months ago, has warned about this. In 2013, Colonel Volodya Avetisyan was arrested and later found guilty of fraud. According to the criminal case file, he has received $ 2,000 from the citizen for helping his grandson get out of the army and, also another $ 500 for solving other issues in the army for him. Volodya Avetisyan continues to argue that the accusation was fabricated. "We all have seen how the case is brought out of the place. Two people come to me and then go and say that I said something illegal; so, let's go with this force to grab what we can get.” Volodya Avetisyan did not stop the fight after leaving the penitentiary. He joined Jirayr Sefilyan's call “For the Front of the State of Armenia.” The Reserve Colonel knows exactly why the government does not tolerate him. “They do not tolerate when you are fair, when you speak the truth. They tolerate those whom they can lead,” said Volodya Avetisyan. The member of the “For the Front of the State of Armenia,” however, does not worry about warnings, he says he will continue the fight.