Vladimir Menshov: Do not be afraid to say what you feel (video)
Meetings with students, film screenings, master classes, student performances at Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema. The All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography of Moscow after Gerasimov has sent a delegation to Yerevan on its 100th anniversary. "Such meetings were often organized in the USSR, then everything collapsed and we are trying to restore it now," said Elena Magak, Dean of the Acting Faculty of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. "They are wonderful young people. Your nation has natural plasticity and sensitivity." Within the framework of master classes, Vladimir Menshov, the Oscar winner for the film "Moscow Does not Believe in Tears" met with the students. "I did not imagine my life without cinematography and I applied for VGIK for four consecutive years until I was not accepted. I've been Michael Rommy's student. I think this says a lot. My spiritual teachers were Rommy, Gerasimov, and Eisenstein. The latter can be compared to Mount Ararat, next to small hills. " Menshev does not admit the master-class concept. As an example he brought Polish filmmaker Krzysztof Zanussi. "He gives master classes all over the world. Meanwhile, he does not shoot a good movie. I would advise something I always advise my students. Do not be afraid to say what you feel. Do your utmost to conceal it." For him, in his words, the real value are Federico Fellini, Andrzej Wajda, Peter Brook and Franco Dzer Pirelli.