Who will build the North-South Road?
The RA Ministry of Transport and Communication has opened the packages of technical proposals to select an advisor for the management of the investment plan for the North-South Road Passage. Packages have been submitted by four organizations, including the Safege (Belgium) and Eptisa (Spain) joint enterprise, Roughton International Ltd. Consortium (United Kingdom), WYG International Ltd. (United Kingdom) and Road Project (Armenia), and a joint enterprise, including Renardet Ingenieurs Conseils S.A. (Swtizerland), Bonifica Italia S.r.l. (Italy) and Sambo Engineering Co., Ltd (Korea).
Two companies, including SNC Lavlin (Canada) and a consortium-Destia Finnroad Ltd (Finland), the Swedish National Road Consulting AB (Sweden), Sweco International AB (Sweden), RoadProject (Armenia) had officially announced that they would not be presented technical and financial proposals.
We mention that the ministry has only opened the technical proposal packages. After assessing them, the ministry will open the financial proposal packages of organizations whose technical proposals meet the demands based on the results of the assessment.