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“Nairit” employees present 9-point indent to the authorities (video)


Currently hundreds of “Nairit” employees have gathered near the Government building. They are presenting a 9-point indent to the Government. With the 1st point they demand to freeze the payments on the loans taken from banks by the employees of “Nairit”, who have been dismissed, and they family members until the full repayment of their salaries.

  1. postponement of paying tuition fees of children of employees, who have been dismissed
  2. postponement of payments on utilities expense
  3. pensions’ recalculation of retired employees
  4. repayment of 18-25 months’ salaries, etc.
“Nairit” employees demand from the Government to present debts’ repayment schedule for up to 3 months. Today no representative from the Government has received “Nairit” employees. Shortly after they will march into the NA to present their indent to the factions.